Dr.Mitat Uysal

Dogus University, Türkiye

Title: A Comprehensive Review of Text Summarization Methods and a Hybrid Model Implementation Using PCA and LexRank


Text summarization is critical in processing and understanding large amounts of textual data, with applications across journalism, customer service, and knowledge management. This paper explores various methods for text summarization, including extractive and abstractive approaches, as well as hybrid models. We present a Python-based implementation of a hybrid extractive model that combines Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and LexRank, designed to effectively capture the key sentences from a given text. The results indicate that integrating multiple methods can enhance the quality of summaries by focusing on both topic relevance and sentence centrality.


Text Summarization, Extractive Methods, Abstractive Methods, PCA, LexRank, Hybrid Model, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Python Implementation.



With the exponential growth of digital content, text summarization has become an essential tool for efficient processing and extracting useful information from vast amounts of textual data [1]. Text summarization techniques are primarily divided into two categories: extractive and abstractive methods [2].

Extractive Summarization: Extractive summarization involves selecting key phrases or sentences directly from the source text to form a summary [3]. This approach identifies the most relevant parts of the text by focusing on aspects like sentence position, term frequency, and content overlap [4].

Abstractive Summarization: Abstractive summarization generates new phrases or sentences that convey the central ideas of the original text. It aims to mimic human-like paraphrasing and requires deeper semantic processing, often leveraging machine learning or neural network models [5].

Paper Organization

The paper is organized as follows: we discuss various summarization methods in detail, introduce the PCA-LexRank hybrid model, and provide an example using Python. A list of 20 references relevant to the summarization domain is also included.

Methods in Text Summarization

Extractive Summarization Methods

Frequency-Based Methods: One of the simplest approaches is based on word frequency. Sentences containing words that appear frequently in the text are considered significant and included in the summary [6]. Although effective, this method does not consider word context, leading to less cohesive summaries [7].

Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF): TF-IDF weighs each term based on its importance within the document relative to its frequency in the entire corpus [8, 9]. This helps in emphasizing distinctive terms and often produces more informative summaries than simple frequency-based methods.

Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA): LSA uses Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to reduce the dimensionality of the term-sentence matrix, thereby identifying underlying themes [10]. Key sentences that align with the main themes are selected for summarization, making LSA particularly suitable for multi-document summarization tasks [11].

Graph-Based Summarization Techniques

TextRank: TextRank is a graph-based method inspired by the PageRank algorithm. Here, each sentence represents a node, and edges are formed based on the similarity between sentences. Sentences with the highest scores are included in the summary [12, 13].

LexRank: LexRank extends TextRank by considering eigenvector centrality, and calculating the degree of importance of each sentence about others within a similarity graph [14]. This approach effectively identifies highly relevant sentences, producing more accurate summaries [15].

Abstractive Summarization Techniques

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): RNNs, and specifically Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) models, capture dependencies in the text, allowing for a more nuanced summary that may not directly use sentences from the original text [16].

Transformer-Based Models: The introduction of transformer models such as BERT, GPT, and T5 has significantly advanced abstractive summarization by improving contextual understanding [17, 18]. These models are effective but often require extensive training data and computational resources.

Hybrid Summarization Models

Hybrid summarization combines the strengths of extractive and abstractive techniques, as well as various extractive methods. The proposed model in this paper combines Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and LexRank for extractive summarization. PCA is used for dimensionality reduction and feature extraction, while LexRank ranks sentences based on centrality within a similarity graph [19].

Methodology and Case Study

In our hybrid approach, PCA first reduces the dimensionality of the term-sentence matrix, retaining essential topics in the text. LexRank then ranks sentences based on similarity scores, ensuring that the sentences selected for the summary are both relevant and central.

Python Implementation of the PCA-LexRank Hybrid Model

Sample Text


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Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly advancing fields that have the potential to revolutionize various industries. However, the ethical and social implications of these technologies must be carefully considered. Researchers and policymakers are exploring the potential benefits and risks associated with AI, from automating mundane tasks to ensuring data privacy and preventing bias in decision-making.

Python Code


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import numpy as np

def preprocess_text(text):

    words = text.lower().split()

    unique_words = list(set(words))

    word_to_index = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(unique_words)}

    sentences = text.split(‘. ‘)

    sentence_vectors = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(unique_words)))

    for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):

        for word in sentence.split():

            if word in word_to_index:

                sentence_vectors[i, word_to_index[word]] += 1

    return sentence_vectors, sentences

def apply_pca(matrix, n_components=2):

    # Normalizing the matrix

    matrix_mean = np.mean(matrix, axis=0)

    matrix_centered = matrix – matrix_mean

    cov_matrix = np.cov(matrix_centered.T)

    eig_values, eig_vectors = np.linalg.eigh(cov_matrix)

    # Sorting eigenvalues and vectors

    sorted_indices = np.argsort(eig_values)[::-1]

    top_eig_vectors = eig_vectors[:, sorted_indices[:n_components]]

    reduced_matrix = matrix_centered.dot(top_eig_vectors)

    return reduced_matrix

def lexrank(matrix):

    similarity = np.dot(matrix, matrix.T)

    scores = np.sum(similarity, axis=1)

    ranked_sentences = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]

    return ranked_sentences

def summarize_text(text, n_components=2, summary_size=2):

    sentence_vectors, sentences = preprocess_text(text)

    reduced_matrix = apply_pca(sentence_vectors, n_components)

    ranked_sentences = lexrank(reduced_matrix)

    summary = [sentences[i] for i in ranked_sentences[:summary_size]]

    return ‘ ‘.join(summary)

text = “Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly advancing fields that have the potential to revolutionize various industries. However, the ethical and social implications of these technologies must be carefully considered. Researchers and policymakers are exploring the potential benefits and risks associated with AI, from automating mundane tasks to ensuring data privacy and preventing bias in decision-making.”

summary = summarize_text(text)




However, the ethical and social implications of these technologies must be carefully considered Researchers and policymakers are exploring the potential benefits and risks associated with AI, from automating mundane tasks to ensuring data privacy and preventing bias in decision-making.

Results and Analysis

This hybrid implementation combines the dimensionality reduction power of PCA with the sentence ranking capability of LexRank to produce coherent, informative summaries. By integrating these techniques, the model effectively captures essential sentences and provides a concise summary.


The PCA-LexRank hybrid model demonstrated here is an efficient method for summarization, capturing both topic relevance and sentence importance. Future research could involve testing this model on larger datasets and evaluating its performance relative to other state-of-the-art summarization models.


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